Figment: Journey into the Mind – A Whimsical Adventure Through the Inner Landscape

Delving into the depths of our own consciousness is rarely so charming and delightful as in Figment: Journey into the Mind. This indie gem takes players on a vibrant odyssey through the human psyche, personifying anxieties and fears as quirky creatures and showcasing the power of courage and resilience in overcoming mental hurdles.

A Mind-bendingly Beautiful World:

Figment’s true brilliance lies in its breathtaking artistic design. The mind is transformed into a fantastical wonderland, bursting with vibrant colors, bizarre landscapes, and imaginative creatures. From the sun-drenched Optimism Grove to the ominous Regret Swamp, each area reflects a different emotional state with stunning detail and whimsical charm.

Graphics: 7

Sound: 8

Controls: 5

Story: 8

Engaging: 7

Overall: 7

Simple Yet Satisfying Gameplay:

While the combat mechanics might seem simplistic at first glance, they seamlessly integrate with the narrative and environmental puzzles. Players control Dusty, a courageous embodiment of the mind’s inner strength, who battles manifestations of anxieties and fears using rhythmic combat actions. The intuitive controls and light platforming elements keep the gameplay engaging without overshadowing the story’s emotional core.

A Surprisingly Deep Dive into the Human Psyche:

Figment’s true depth lies in its surprisingly nuanced exploration of mental health. The anxieties and fears Dusty confronts are not mere caricatures, but relatable reflections of real-world struggles. Depression manifests as a hulking, pessimistic beast, while Procrastination takes the form of a mischievous imp. Through these personifications, the game tackles complex themes like self-doubt, regret, and the importance of facing our inner demons.

A Soundtrack that Stirs the Soul:

Figment’s emotional impact is further amplified by its enchanting orchestral soundtrack. Each area boasts its own unique musical tapestry, perfectly capturing the emotional tone and adding a layer of depth to the gameplay. From the uplifting melodies of Optimism Grove to the melancholic strings of Regret Swamp, the music seamlessly blends with the visuals to create a truly immersive experience.

A Few Thorns Amongst the Roses:

While Figment excels in its narrative and artistic presentation, it’s not without its flaws. The simplistic combat, while initially charming, can become repetitive towards the end. Additionally, some puzzles might feel a tad on the easy side for seasoned adventure gamers. It is designed to be more towards the younger audience.


Figment: Journey into the Mind is a delightful and thought-provoking adventure that deserves a place in any gamer’s library. Its whimsical charm, surprisingly deep narrative, and stunning visuals make it a unique and unforgettable experience. Whether you’re seeking a lighthearted romp through the subconscious or a deeper exploration of mental health, Figment has something to offer everyone.