Those Who Remain: A Stumble in the Dark (with an Intriguing Glimmer)

I’m not gonna lie, folks, playing Those Who Remain felt like navigating a haunted house blindfolded, with bricks tied to my feet.

Story’s the saving grace:

Let’s start with the good. The premise – a flawed protagonist named Edward unraveling the mysteries of a creepy, crumbling town plagued by disappearances – hooked me. Uncovering the personal story in connection with the town he’s in, was a compelling tale to experience. The shifting dimensions, the whispers of guilt and redemption, it all had potential. But oh boy, did the execution fumble.

Control a nightmare:

Moving Edward felt like wrestling a rusty shopping cart through molasses. Turning? Forget it. Precision platforming? Ha! I spent more time battling the wonky controls than the shadowy nasties. Turning up the sensitivity did virtually nothing. The slow movement is in stark contrast to the tension and sense of urgency the narrative and your surroundings implied.

Graphics: 5

Sound: 6

Controls: 2

Story: 7

Engaging: 4

Overall: 4.8

Puzzles? More like pain-inducing riddles:

Oh, you found a key! Now decipher its cryptic note to figure out which of the 18 identical doors it actually opens. Remember that lever you pulled two hours ago? Yeah, pull it again or the plot won’t budge. My brain felt like scrambled eggs by the end after bashing my head into every wall just to see if that was the one I was supposed to try.

Jump scares? Predictable pops:

The “boo!” moments lacked originality. Every flickering light, every creaky floorboard, I saw most of the scares coming a mile away. Maybe try something less tired next time?

The atmosphere? Not bad, actually:

I’ll give credit where it’s due, the creepy ambiance was on point. The flickering shadows, the unsettling whispers, the oppressive dread – it had me checking over my shoulder even with the lights on. When you’re not struggling to figure out what the game wants you to do, and you’re able to just experience your surroundings, it is genuinely unsettling.

So, should you play?

I’m torn. The story whispers intrigue, but the clunky controls and mind-numbing puzzles scream frustration. If you’re a hardcore horror enthusiast with a tolerance for jank, maybe give it a go. But for most, this haunted house is better left unexplored.