Palworld: A Rough Diamond in the Wilderness

Palworld, a game boldly blending monster-catching, survival crafting, and ethical quandaries, has burst onto the scene with undeniable promise. However, like a fledgling Pal taking its first clumsy steps, it stumbles in several areas. This review dives into the alluring depths of Palworld, acknowledging its rough edges while celebrating its shining potential.

Graphics & Sound: A Symphony of Silly

Palworld paints a vibrant world teeming with fantastical creatures and diverse biomes. Lush jungles sprawl beneath towering mountains, while shimmering coral reefs hide beneath the waves. The cartoony aesthetic complements the lighthearted tone, and character animations, while occasionally janky, add charm to the experience. The sound design further immerses you, with chirping birds, gurgling rivers, and the satisfying squelch of mud underfoot. While not groundbreaking, the audio-visual presentation provides a solid foundation for the world-building.

Graphics: 7

Sound: 6

Controls: 5

Story: 9

Engaging: 9

Overall: 7.2

Gameplay: Simplistic but Effective

Palworld’s core loop is undeniably addictive. Capturing, befriending, and training Pals – these quirky, often Frankenstein-esque creatures – forms the heart of the experience. Sending your loyal companions to farm, mine, or fight alongside you creates a satisfying sense of progression and partnership. However, the gameplay loop can feel repetitive at times, especially with the simplistic survival mechanics. Building your base and managing resources feels like a bare-bones echo of other crafting games, lacking the depth and complexity that could truly elevate Palworld.

Controls & Pal Management: Exercise in frustration

Unfortunately, the execution of these core mechanics is often hampered by clunky controls and unintuitive Pal management. Navigating menus, issuing commands, and interacting with the environment can feel cumbersome and frustrating. Taming and training Pals can be equally finicky, with unclear feedback and inconsistent mechanics leading to moments of exasperation. Including some pal skills having an auto aim, and others not. These rough edges significantly hinder the gameplay flow and enjoyment.

Bugs & Glitches: Worse on Consoles

Palworld is currently in Early Access, and its youthful state is evident in the abundance of bugs and glitches. From Pals teleporting through walls to crafting recipes disappearing, these technical hiccups can disrupt immersion and progress. While understandable in an early build, they serve as a stark reminder of the game’s unfinished state.

Promising Potential: Hope for the Future

Despite its shortcomings, Palworld’s core concept shines brightly. The unique blend of monster-catching, survival, and ethical dilemmas offers a refreshing twist on familiar genres. The world is brimming with potential for further exploration and expansion, and the sense of camaraderie with your Pals is genuinely endearing. The developers’ commitment to Early Access and regular updates is also encouraging, suggesting a dedication to polishing the game and realizing its full potential.


Palworld is a rough diamond in the wilderness. Its undeniable charm and addictive gameplay loop are marred by clunky controls, simplistic mechanics, and technical hiccups. However, its promising foundation and the developers’ ongoing efforts leave room for optimism. If you’re looking for a unique and engaging experience, Palworld is worth keeping an eye on. Just be prepared for a bumpy ride along the way.