Soulmask: Where Masks Hide Intricate Depths

This preview is based upon a demo release. Some items talked about may be different in the version releasing later in 2024. We plan on revisiting this game upon release to review it more in-depth.

Brace yourself, survivalists, for Soulmask throws you into a world both captivating and unforgiving. If you crave a deep dive into intricate mechanics, dynamic environments, and engaging interactions with the world around you, Soulmask might just be your next obsession. But be warned, this isn’t a walk in the park. There’s a learning curve waiting to be climbed, and the path won’t be paved with sunshine.

Living World, Breathing AI:

One of Soulmask’s crowning achievements is its impressive NPC AI. Forget static characters with canned responses. Here, you’ll encounter individuals with dynamic routines, unique personalities, and even the capacity to adapt to your actions. Building trust with a cautious trader or facing the hostility of a rival tribe leader, every interaction feels alive and consequential. Tribesmen can work multiple roles at a time, from gathering, crafting, and even cultivating crops and livestock.

Graphics: 8

Sound: 8

Controls: 8

Story: 7

Engaging: 8

Overall: 8.6

Nature’s Fury Unfurls:

The world reacts to your presence, and nowhere is this more evident than in the dynamic weather system. From torrential downpours that test your shelter’s integrity to scorching heatwaves that drain your stamina, the elements keep you on your toes. However, while visually impressive, the overall impact of weather on gameplay feels a bit middling. While it adds challenge, it doesn’t quite reach the level of transformative environmental impact seen in other titles.

Knowledge is Power, Not a Freebie:

Be prepared for a steep learning curve as you delve into Soulmask’s intricate mechanics. Crafting, resource management, and even basic survival require an investment of time and experimentation. Don’t expect hand-holding tutorials here. Instead, the game rewards curiosity and exploration, pushing you to discover the secrets of its systems through trial and error.

A Labyrinth of Depth:

Beneath the surface lies a labyrinth of complex mechanics. From mastering tribal interactions to deciphering ancient texts, there’s always something new to learn and conquer. This intricate design caters to players who relish the satisfaction of unraveling complex systems and pushing their mastery further.

The Sum is Greater:

Despite the initial hurdles, Soulmask’s strengths coalesce into an overall enjoyable experience. The sense of accomplishment after overcoming a challenging objective, the thrill of outsmarting a cunning NPC, or the awe inspired by a dynamic weather event – these moments weave a tapestry of rewarding gameplay. While not for the faint of heart, Soulmask offers a unique and engaging experience for those who embrace the challenge.

In Conclusion:

Soulmask isn’t your average survival game. It demands dedication, rewards exploration, and offers a world brimming with life and intricate systems. If you’re looking for a casual stroll through the wilderness, look elsewhere. But if you crave a deep, challenging experience that rewards intellectual investment and strategic thinking, then don your Soulmask and prepare to delve into its depths. Remember, the greatest treasures often lie at the end of the steepest climbs.