Out of Space: A Chaotic Symphony of Cooperation in Spacefaring Shenanigans

Launch Sequence:

Out of Space, a frantic cooperative survival game by Behold Studios, throws you and your comrades into the heart of a malfunctioning spaceship. With a generous helping of humor and a dash of chaos, it tasks you with working together to keep this rickety vessel hurtling through the cosmos. This review will delve into the core gameplay, analyze its strengths and weaknesses, and assess its appeal as a party game.

Mission Briefing: A Starship in Disarray

Out of Space thrives in the co-op realm. Geared towards 2-4 players, it presents a single objective: ensure the spaceship’s continued operation until reaching a designated escape pod. Each playthrough unfolds on a randomly generated map, presenting a unique layout of rooms that house various stations and challenges. From piloting and engineering to farming and waste disposal, there’s a multitude of tasks vying for your attention.

Graphics: 6

Sound: 8

Controls: 7

Story: 6

Engaging: 7

Overall: 6.8

The core gameplay loop revolves around managing these interconnected systems. You’ll need to collect resources like glowing space goo, the game’s primary fuel source. This goo also feeds the hungry power generators, keeping the lights on and essential tech operational. But beware, this goo also attracts some unwelcome guests – hostile alien creatures that relentlessly spawn and threaten to overrun the ship.

Objectives and Gameplay:

While the ultimate goal remains constant, the path to success is paved with a multitude of smaller objectives. Keeping the crew fed becomes a constant chore. You’ll need to manage hydroponics bays, meticulously planting and harvesting crops to replenish food supplies. Waste disposal adds another layer of complexity. Unattended filth attracts more aliens, creating a vicious cycle of mess and mayhem.

Automation plays a crucial role. Scattered throughout the ship are blueprints for various machines – recycling stations, automated turrets, and even medbots to heal your weary crew. Researching and constructing these helpful contraptions allows you to offload some tasks, freeing you to tackle more pressing issues.

But therein lies the beauty (and sometimes frustration) of Out of Space. There’s an ever-present tension between automation and direct action. While a well-oiled network of machines can keep things running smoothly, unexpected events can throw a wrench into the works. A power surge might disable your defenses, necessitating a frantic scramble to repair them before the aliens breach your defenses.

Communication is Key:

Out of Space shines brightest when played with friends. The constant need for communication and teamwork is what truly elevates the experience. Shouting orders, delegating tasks, and working in sync becomes essential for survival. One player might focus on piloting the ship while another manages power distribution. Meanwhile, a third crew member might be frantically mopping up space goo spills and fending off alien hordes.

This inherent chaos is where much of the fun lies. The game thrives on the unpredictable. A seemingly under control situation can devolve into hilarious pandemonium in the blink of an eye. Miscalculations, friendly fire incidents, and poorly timed alien outbreaks all contribute to the game’s charm.

Aesthetics and Audio:

Out of Space adopts a vibrant cartoonish aesthetic. The crew members are wonderfully quirky, and the spaceship itself is a delightful blend of functionality and disarray. The soundtrack is a quirky mix of upbeat tunes and frantic sound effects, perfectly complementing the game’s frenetic energy.

Mission Debriefing: Strengths and Weaknesses


  • Frantic and Fun Co-op: Out of Space thrives in its core cooperative gameplay. The constant pressure to keep the ship operational creates a frantic energy that’s both challenging and immensely fun when tackled with friends.
  • Simple Yet Deep Gameplay: The core mechanics are easy to grasp, making the game accessible to new players. However, the depth comes from managing the interconnected systems and prioritizing tasks, offering a surprising amount of strategic thinking.
  • Humor and Charm: The game’s lighthearted tone and quirky visuals make the experience enjoyable, even during moments of intense pressure.


  • Limited Replayability: While the randomly generated maps offer some variety, the core gameplay loop remains largely unchanged. This might limit the long-term appeal for some players.
  • Lack of Difficulty Options: The game presents a single difficulty curve, which might prove too easy for seasoned gamers or too overwhelming for newcomers.
  • Potential for Frustration: With so many moving parts, occasional moments of frustration can arise. Communication breakdowns or unforeseen events can lead to ship failure, potentially leaving players feeling helpless.

Re-Entry: A Fun and Chaotic Spacefaring Adventure

Out of Space is a well-crafted co-operative experience that prioritizes frantic fun over deep strategy. While its replayability might be limited, it offers a fantastic party game experience for short bursts of laughter and camaraderie. Here’s a breakdown for specific audiences:

  • For Fans of Chaotic Co-op Games: If you enjoy games that test your teamwork skills under pressure, with generous dollops of humor on the side, Out of Space is a surefire hit. The unpredictable nature and potential for hilarious mishaps will leave you with plenty of stories to tell.
  • For Casual Gamers Looking for a Light-hearted Experience: The easy-to-learn mechanics and lighthearted tone make Out of Space a great choice for casual gamers looking for a fun and accessible co-op experience.
  • For Hardcore Strategy Gamers: If you crave deep strategic challenges, Out of Space might leave you wanting more. The lack of difficulty options and focus on real-time action might not appeal to those seeking a more cerebral experience.

Final Verdict:

Out of Space is a delightfully chaotic co-op experience that prioritizes fun over complexity. While the lack of long-term replayability might hold it back for some, it offers a fantastic party game experience for short bursts of laughter and frantic cooperation. If you’re looking for a game that will test your teamwork skills and leave you with plenty of stories to tell, then prep your spacesuit and prepare for a wild ride aboard the malfunctioning spaceship in Out of Space.

Additional Notes:

  • The game offers a “Couch Edition” specifically designed for local co-op play. However, it also supports online play through platforms like Steam Remote Play, allowing you to enjoy the chaos with friends even if you’re not physically together.
  • The developers have released some post-launch content, including new ship layouts and cosmetic items. While it doesn’t drastically alter the core gameplay, it does add a touch of variety for returning players.

Overall, Out of Space is a charming and chaotic co-op experience that is well worth checking out, especially if you’re looking for a fun and lighthearted game to play with friends.