Honey, I Joined a Cult: A Hilarious Exercise in Depravity (and Delight)

Have you ever dreamt of building your own utopia? One fueled by unwavering faith, unquestioning obedience, and a steady stream of cold, hard cash? Well, step right up, potential cult leader, because Honey, I Joined a Cult offers you the chance to do just that. Developed by Sole Survivor Games, this satirical management sim puts you at the helm of your very own wacky religious organization, tasking you with attracting followers, constructing bizarre facilities, and ultimately achieving one of several gloriously outlandish goals.

Honey, I Joined a Cult doesn’t shy away from its dark humor. The adorable, cartoonish aesthetic gives the game a lighthearted first impression, but don’t be fooled. You’ll be indoctrinating the vulnerable, exploiting their deepest desires, and lining your pockets with their hard-earned money. The game throws ethical dilemmas at you like candy corn at a Halloween party, forcing you to decide just how far you’re willing to go for the sake of your cult’s (and your own) success.

Graphics: 7

Sound: 7

Controls: 6

Story: 7

Engaging: 8

Overall: 7

Building Your Flock (and Your Bank Account)

At the heart of Honey, I Joined a Cult lies a robust management system. You’ll start with a humble plot of land, a couple of wide-eyed believers, and a dream. From there, it’s up to you to expand your base, construct various structures, and create a sustainable (and profitable) religious haven.

The bread and butter of your operation will be your followers. These individuals, each with their own unique quirks and skillsets, are the lifeblood of your cult. You’ll need to keep them well-fed, well-rested, and, most importantly, indoctrinated. Assigning them tasks like farming, preaching, or manning your cult’s truly bizarre “therapy” rooms is crucial to keep the cash flowing.

Speaking of therapy rooms, this is where the game’s dark humor truly shines. Forget incense and guided meditation; your therapies involve sticking followers in sensory deprivation chambers, blasting them with subliminal messages, or subjecting them to sessions with a malfunctioning (and frankly terrifying) robot therapist. The more outlandish the therapy, the more money you rake in, which can be a source of constant amusement – or unease, depending on your sensibilities.

Keeping the Faith (and the Lights On)

But Honey, I Joined a Cult isn’t all exploitation and empty promises. Keeping your followers happy and faithful is paramount. You’ll need to manage their needs, ensuring they have access to food, water, and proper sanitation. Failure to do so can lead to discontent, rebellion, and even a complete collapse of your carefully constructed cult empire.

Maintaining a healthy flow of faith is another crucial aspect. Building religious statues, holding sermons, and even brainwashing sessions all contribute to your cult’s overall faith level. This faith acts as a currency, allowing you to unlock powerful upgrades, new therapy rooms, and even special abilities for your character.

The Road to (Un)Enlightenment

Honey, I Joined a Cult offers a surprising amount of depth when it comes to achieving victory. The game features multiple win conditions, each tied to a specific ideology. Do you dream of world peace and achieving a utopian harmony? Then the “Peace and Love” path might be for you. Perhaps you crave intergalactic domination and believe your followers hold the key to unlocking ancient alien secrets? The “Cosmic Enlightenment” route awaits. There’s even a path for those who yearn for the sweet embrace of the Cthulhu Mythos – because why not?

Each path has its own unique set of challenges and rewards, offering a decent amount of replayability. However, there is a sense of diminishing returns after your first playthrough. While the core gameplay loop remains engaging, the novelty of the wacky themes can wear off after experiencing them all.

Aesthetics and Audio: A Cult Classic (in the Making)

Honey, I Joined a Cult boasts a charming, albeit simplistic, visual style. The cartoony characters and environments are bursting with personality, and the animations, while basic, are fluid and add to the game’s overall lighthearted tone. The soundtrack is equally delightful, with catchy, upbeat tunes that perfectly complement the game’s quirky atmosphere.

The Verdict: A Must-Play for Management Sim Fans with a Dark Sense of Humor

Honey, I Joined a Cult is a unique and hilarious take on the management sim genre. It offers a satisfying gameplay loop, a surprising amount of depth, and a constant barrage of dark humor that will keep you chuckling (or squirming) as you build your religious empire. While the novelty might wear off after a few playthroughs, the core mechanics remain engaging, and the multiple victory conditions offer a decent amount of replayability. If you’re looking for a management sim with a twist, and don’t mind a hefty dose of dark humor, then Honey, I Joined a Cult is a must-play. But be warned, absolute power – and a steady stream of donations – corrupts absolutely.