Another Crab’s Treasure: Scuttling Through the Depths

Another Crab’s Treasure, the brainchild of the aptly named Aggro Crab, arrived on the scene in April 2024, offering a delightful surprise in the crowded soulslike genre. This action-adventure throws you into the pincers of Krill, a hermit crab on a quest to reclaim his repossessed shell. While the premise sounds lighthearted, the game masterfully blends humor, challenge, and a surprisingly deep narrative, creating an experience that’s both charming and captivating.

A Shell of a Story

Another Crab’s Treasure doesn’t shy away from its narrative. The vibrant undersea world is on the brink of collapse, thanks to the machinations of a power-hungry hermit crab king, Shelldon. Krill, having lost his prized possession to a loan shark, sets out to gather the resources needed to buy it back. This seemingly simple goal takes him on a sprawling adventure across diverse ocean floors, each with its own set of challenges and quirky inhabitants.

Graphics: 7

Sound: 7

Controls: 7

Story: 8

Engaging: 8

Overall: 7.4

The story unfolds organically through environmental storytelling and witty dialogue. Krill interacts with a cast of colorful characters, from the wisecracking hermit crab bard, Calypso, to the grumpy but helpful jellyfish, Blobby. These interactions are genuinely funny, adding a layer of levity that sets the game apart from the often-grim world of soulslikes. However, beneath the humor lies a surprisingly poignant message about greed, consumerism, and the importance of community.

Clawsome Combat

Another Crab’s Treasure takes the core tenets of the soulslike genre – punishing combat, exploration, and interconnected environments – and injects them with a healthy dose of crustacean charm. Krill’s combat style is unique. He wields a variety of weapons depending on the shell he inhabits, from the nimble but weak seashell dagger to the slow but powerful coral mace. This “shell-switching” mechanic adds a strategic layer to combat, forcing you to adapt your tactics based on the enemy and the environment.

While the combat lacks the depth of some soulsborne titles, it’s still satisfyingly crunchy. Dodging enemy attacks, timing your strikes precisely, and learning enemy patterns are all crucial for success. The game throws a diverse array of foes at you, each with its own attack patterns and weaknesses. From lumbering lobsters to electric eels, you’ll need to use your entire arsenal of shells and gadgets to emerge victorious.

The boss fights are a particular highlight. Each boss encounter feels like a carefully crafted spectacle, with unique mechanics and attack patterns that demand mastery of the combat system. From the bloatfly-infested hermit crab to the colossal anglerfish, these encounters are challenging yet fair, providing a true test of your skills.

A Feast for the Senses

Another Crab’s Treasure’s world is a visual treat. The developers have brought the ocean floor to life with vibrant colors, stunning backdrops, and a delightful attention to detail. From the kelp forests swaying in the current to the bioluminescent creatures illuminating the depths, the environments are a joy to explore.

The soundtrack is equally impressive. Upbeat, whimsical tunes perfectly complement the lighthearted atmosphere, while boss battles are accompanied by heart-pounding orchestral scores that heighten the tension. The sound design is also top-notch, with the satisfying clangs of metal weapons and the scuttling of crustacean feet immersing you further in the underwater world.

A Few Barnacles on the Hull

Another Crab’s Treasure isn’t without its flaws. The camera can occasionally be finicky, especially in tight spaces. The platforming sections, while not the main focus, can feel a bit clunky at times. Additionally, the difficulty curve might feel uneven for some players. While the bosses provide a good challenge, some enemy encounters in the open world can be repetitive.

Finally, the game’s length might be a bit short for seasoned soulslike players. A single playthrough can be completed in around 20 hours, with some additional content available for completionists.

Beyond the Reef: Endgame and Replayability

Another Crab’s Treasure offers a decent amount of replayability for those who crave more after completing the main story. Here’s a breakdown of the endgame content:

  • New Game Plus: Like many other soulslikes, Another Crab’s Treasure features a New Game Plus mode. This allows you to replay the campaign with all your acquired shells, weapons, and upgrades, but with enemies dealing more damage. It’s a great way to test your skills and experiment with different shell combinations.
  • Hidden Depths: The ocean floor is littered with secrets waiting to be discovered. Optional areas offer additional challenges, lore entries that flesh out the world, and powerful equipment hidden within treasure chests. Some areas require specific shell abilities to access, encouraging exploration and experimentation.
  • Challenge Runs: For the truly hardcore players, Another Crab’s Treasure offers a variety of self-imposed challenges. These can range from completing the game without ever upgrading your shells to attempting a “pacifist” run, focusing on dodging and clever maneuvering to avoid combat altogether.
  • Helping Hand: Feeling generous? Another Crab’s Treasure features a limited online co-op mode. You can summon a friend to assist you with difficult bosses or simply explore the world together. While not a core gameplay element, it adds another layer of enjoyment for those who want to share the experience with others.

The Final Verdict

Another Crab’s Treasure is a delightful surprise. It’s a game that proves you can have a challenging and rewarding experience without sacrificing humor and charm. With its unique shell-swapping mechanic, vibrant world, and memorable characters, Another Crab’s Treasure is a must-play for any fan of action-adventure games or the soulslike genre. Just remember, when the going gets tough, don’t get crabby – just keep on scuttling!